Check this page for the latest news stories about Jennings Environmental.
Stream restoration aims to improve natural balance
A New Home for August - With a Creek
Restoration in Etowah will offer habitat and trails by the French Broad
Restoring a Lost Floodplain
Removing a century-old dam would restore species and reconnect communities
Putting the French Broad River's Floodplain Back Together
November 2022: Waynesville urban stream targeted for restoration.
Waynesville Urban Stream Targeted for Restoration
October 2022: Jennings Environmental’s latest educational signage is highlighted in this newsletter: Mountain Valleys Resource Conservation & Development Newsletter
Brush Creek Educational Signage
September 2022: More of Mud Creek. See the article below from Conserving Carolina about updates to the Mouth of Mud Creek. You can also read the article in the Blue Ridge Times:
May 2022: Transylvania Times visits Jennings Environmental’s Mud Creek Restoration Project to learn about the work that was done and see how it has progressed since completion.
May 2022: Conserving Carolina’s May 2022 Newsletter including partnerships with Jennings Environmental:
April 2022: ‘Blueway Plan’ for French Broad River completed:
Read the plan here:
April 2022: Carolina Wetlands Association’s April Newsletter highlights Jennings Environmental:
April 2021: Habitat Project Showing Good Results:
March 2021: First phase of restoration & stabilization project along Foster Creek complete:
Sign up for Riverbank Planting Field Day in Marshall, NC, Thursday, February 11, 2021:
We will be planting live stakes of native shrubs to protect river bank stability on Blannahassett Island. Sign up to join! We will demonstrate how to plant live stakes and give you the opportunity to plant some on the island. We recommend that you bring gloves, jackets, and boots appropriate for the weather conditions.
Southeast Stormwater Association (SESWA) Re-wilding Streams and Floodplains to Enhance Ecosystem Services, January 2021:
After Hurricane, NC College Focuses on Natural-Resource Restoration, December 2020:
Volunteers Restoring Foster Creek in Mills River, November 2020:
Work Begins to Stabilize Banks of Foster Creek, December 2020:
Jennings Environmental Part of Team Winning 2020 APWA-NC Stormwater Project of the Year Award 
A stream restoration project at a Kernersville park recently received an award, and Jennings Environmental was part of the winning team.
The Beeson Creek Stream Restoration project with the Town of Kernersville received the 2020 APWA-NC Stormwater Project of the Year Award. Jennings Environmental partnered with North State Environmental on this stream restoration.
Jennings Environmental worked with North State Environmental to achieve the following enhancements to Beeson Creek: wood toe revetments for erosion resistance and habitat enhancement, in-stream log and rock vane structures for hydraulic energy management, streambank protection, and habitat enhancement, streambank bioengineering and native riparian forest buffer, floodplain wetland pools for riparian habitat, long-term monitoring to document stream, restoration effectiveness, and a nature trail for education and public access to promote community understanding and appreciation for natural stream functions; permanent conservation easement of the stream corridor.
Southeast Stormwater Association (SESWA) Re-wilding Streams and Floodplains to Enhance Ecosystem Services, January 2021:
November 2020: Matthews Creek Restoration:
October 2020: Giant Muskie Might Soon be Naturally Spawning in the French Broad Watershed:
First Annual National Stream Restoration Conference, August 23-25, 2021, Baltimore, MD: (Boulder Sponsors)
March 2020: Agency Provides Update on Linville River Restoration
February 2020: Restoration of Linville River Continues
January 2020: NC Wildlife Resources Commission created an overview of the Mud Creek Restoration Project
December 2019: What the River Wants: A floodplain restoration could help bring back muskie in the French Broad
December 2019: NC City Addresses Sediment Issues to Keep Water Treatment Costs Low
December 2019: D’Olive watershed model for restoration,86563
October 2019: River restoration project in Western NC aims to save trout population
October 2019: Linville River restoration is underway!
October 2019: ASU, Boone, conservancy discuss Boone Creek daylighting proposal
February 6, 2019: Conserving Carolina Working to Rehab 100-Acre Wetland:
October 9, 2018: Stream restoration completed in Maggie Valley
August 2018: Sponsor at the Conservation Celebration in Brevard, North Carolina:
August 2018: Sponsor at the EcoStream Conference in Asheville, North Carolina:
December 2017: Partnership with Mills River:
February 8, 2017: Turkey Creek Restoration Continues thanks to FLT partners
January, 2016: Trussville Civitan Park Restoration Project recipient of the Cahaba River Society Watershed Conservation Development Award